Wellness Quiz Welcome to your Wellness Quiz Name Email By checking this box, you agree to receive recurring automated marketing messages from Marina Lifestyle Medicine, including health tips, special offers, and updates. Message frequency varies. Message and data rates may apply. Reply HELP for more information. Reply STOP to opt out. View our Privacy Policy Here: https://marinalifestylemedicine.com/privacy-policy/ Please check your current overall LEVEL of HEALTH Poor Fair Excellent OVER THE LAST TWO WEEKS, how many hours of sleep did you average in a 24-hour periodLess than 4 hours4-6 hoursMore than 6 hours OVER THE LAST TWO WEEKS, how often did you feel tired or have difficulty staying awake during routine tasks in the day?Less than 4 hoursSeveral daysMore than half the days of the week OVER THE LAST TWO WEEKS, how often have you eaten fast food, sugary drinks (e.g., soda, sports drinks, juice) or packaged foods (e.g., chips, candy, crackers, cookies)?More than half the days of the weekSeveral daysNot at all ON AN AVERAGE DAY, how many servings of whole fruits and vegetables do you eat (1 serving is about a handful and does not include fruit juice)?Less than 2 servings2-3 servings4-5 servings OVER THE LAST TWO WEEKS, how many days did you exercise at a moderate to strenuous intensity (e.g., brisk walking or enough movement to break a light sweat)?Less than 1 time per week1-2 times per week3-7 times per week OVER THE LAST TWO WEEKS, how many days did you feel that your life has a purpose or meaning?Not at allSeveral daysMost of the days OVER THE LAST TWO WEEKS, how many cigarettes a day did you smoke?More than 31-3None OVER THE LAST TWO WEEKS, how many drinks of alcohol did you consume?More than 7 drinks a weekLess than 7 drinks a weekNone Time is Up! By marinaivanovsk|2021-02-19T18:51:37+00:00February 19th, 2021| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditWhatsAppTumblrPinterestEmail